Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Getting used to goodbyes

"You meet different people each semester, I guess you're used to say goodbye by now" was a comment I got once from an international student in my university. I've made many friends with foreign students and each semester I had to see people leaving hoping we would meet again. My response on that moment was: "you don't get used to say goodbye, it is sad every time". I guess I could add now that you learn that people who matter will stay close to you, even if you are miles apart, or you go without talking for years. During my time in London I spent some days with a friend from High school whom I haven't seen for 10 years. She was a good friend then and it's a good friend now.

It's that moment again, the time for a change in my life, to move and leave my life as I know it behind. It's time for a new adventure. Time to be transplanted somewhere else. I knew this time will come. My time in London was limited and it passed so quickly. When I was traveling I only thought about the new thing, the next journey. Time wasn't spent on good-byes because they were only short trips. Yesterday I realized I'm leaving, and I remembered that it's always sad to say goodbye. So now I'm using these few days as days to sink into the soil that I'm in now, and enjoy. Take the most out of it, enjoy the company of those who will become distant for an uncertain time.

It's great knowing that I'll be missed, and feeling sad about moving on. That's when you know you've made a difference, when you've made an impression and somehow leave a legacy behind you. It's also great to be happy about what's coming up. It keeps you motivated, keeps you going. That bittersweet feeling is telling you you're doing something right in your life, specially if there's more happiness in it.

So the time is soon to come. After a year of travels, I've learnt that people will always be there. A friend will remain your friend, even if time goes by and you don't see again, the memories will remain. It'll be sad, a bit nostalgic leaving people behind, but we need to keep moving, keep living our life. It's never a good-bye, it's a see you later. Even if the later doesn't happen, you can remember there was someone there for you and great memories were created.

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